Vuk Dapčević

Position: Vice President of the Management Board


Mr. Vuk Dapcevic, born in 1978, graduated in Economics from University of Piraeus in 2003. He holds a Master Degree in Management and Business from University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics & HEC, Paris as well as a Master Degree in Banking, from BBA.

He started his professional career in 2004 at the National Bank of Serbia - International Relations Department. In 2007 he was seconded to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of EU integrations and upon his return to NBS in 2011, he became Governor’s Chief of Staff. In 2013 he joined Eurobank as a Head of CEO’s Office and additionally was in charge for handling of Greek and International Clients. From 2024 he joined Orbit Streem in Serbia as Senior Manager.

He has been interested in business activities of Greek companies operating in Serbia starting from 2002, when he was doing his internship at the Institute of International Economic Relations, Athens. He is the author of articles on performance of Greek Banks in Serbia.  Married, a father of two children, Mila and Kosta.